Our Mission


To be the best outlet for kitesurfing information on the planet, creating content, testing equipment, sharing technique, travel guides, videos, news and much more.


To offer the best return on investment for your marketing plan with real readers, real engagement and tangible statistics that make your budget go further.


To have the most up-to-date and user-friendly platform in the industry with easy access to our content through the Magazine, App, Website and Social Media platforms.


Size and Reach

IKSURFMAG is the most popular kiteboarding website on the planet

If you want to reach the largest group of kitesurfers in the world, then you need to be working with us.

Readers and Visitors


Avg Mag Readership Per Issue


Confirmed Email Subscribers


Website Visitors Per Issue

Mobile App Downloads

Apple: 34.7K

Android: 16.3K

Total: 51K

IKSURFMAG is truly global, with more readers in more countries than any other magazine on the planet. We reached 185 countries in the last two months.

Top Countries

1.United States16.13%
2.United Kingdom11.03%


Age 18-24


Age 25-45


Age 45+






Key Demographic


Average Yearly Spend on equipment, holidays, and kitesurfing related purchases: £4,500

Our Technology

IKSURFMAG is unique in the sense that all our technology is built in-house. Many magazines claim to be digital, but are they? Our magazine is built from the ground up to be seen online, from the font size to the dimensions of the pages. Next, we use our own bespoke technology to publish the magazine, not a cheap third party piece of software with limited controls offering a poor user experience.

This means we can use videos that run directly on the pages, our magazine fits on all devices and it runs at a lightning pace too, no one waits for pages to load.

In recent years we have upgraded our platform, following the shift to mobile devices. Ask yourself when was the last time you looked at your phone? We are guessing it wasn’t long ago IKSURFMAG is now always in your pocket!

Our Mobile App

Two years ago, we totally redesigned our mobile App to suit modern smartphones. Gone is the “page flip” you see on your desktop, this doesn’t fit very well on a mobile device. Instead, we have developed a unique format that allows readers to enjoy the articles, view images and gives them the ability to watch videos too.

More than this, we’ve put our entire back catalogue of tests, technique, magazines, news stories, travel guides and videos right in the palm of your hand. You’ll never be without IKSURFMAG as long as you have your phone with you!

Social Reach

Over the last ten years we have built the most engaging kitesurfing page on the Facebook platform. If you want your videos to get thousands of views, you need our help!

Using our unique formula, that we have honed over years of hard work and experience, we make the Facebook Algorithm work for your brand. We are consistently the most engaging kitesurfing page on the platform, no other page even comes close.

When we share your message on social media it makes a difference.






Facebook Success stories

Lincoln Parker Kiteboarding

34,743 People Reached

5,915 Reactions, Comments and Shares

Kitesurfing Home

18,695 People Reached

2,346 Reactions, Comments and Shares

Cabrinha New Ownership

16,852 People Reached

1,403 Reactions, Comments and Shares

Article Reach

Our long format magazine articles are timeless. Written and researched by highly experienced journalists we strive to report on the stories that need telling. They appear in our Magazine, on our App and our Website to ensure the maximum reach in the industry.

Is Kiteboarding Dangerous?

67,678 People Reached

Under The Shroud Of The Corona Virus

65,456 People Reached

How Much Does It Cost To Kitesurf?

62,365 People Reached

Willem Hooft – The Story

59,857 People Reached

Working With You

We pride ourselves on working with you to help you get your message across to our audience. We work with brands and businesses in some unique and engaging ways. We can create editorial content, tests, travel guides and features that help tell your story about your brand or product.

Reviews and Tests

Our tests are impartial, honest and the most respected in the industry. The IKSURFMAG test team has a vast knowledge and includes top-level wave riders, pro freestylers, dedicated freeriders, experienced foilers and even international level competition judges.

Cabrinha Contra Aether 9m 2023

Airush Lift V3 9m 2023

CORE Nexus 3 12m 2022

Travel Guides

Our Travel Guides are the best in the business, with in depth analysis not only on the location but also all the relevant kite spots. We also display the latest weather information alongside historical weather data so you can plan the best time for your trip

Learn More

Editorial Content and Features

If you have a particular story that needs telling or a rider you want to focus on, we can work with you to create the content that will maximise impact. We have a dedicated team of journalists who are exceedingly experienced in their field. We are highly skilled at coming up with unique concepts and ideas that are original and engaging.

IKSURFMAG can put your brand and business right in front of our genuine target audience.

Advertising Opportunities

We have various options available to you, and we are always ready to tailor a bespoke package that is right for your business. We offer display advertising in the magazine; this is also placed on the website and within the App.

Additionally, we can offer display advertising for kite schools and small businesses across the website. Our team are experts at driving results, and we offer the best return on investment in the industry with 24/7 statistical analysis and many other benefits not provided by anyone else.

Magazine Packages

We no longer just sell adverts! Instead, we offer digital marketing subscription packages, easier, simpler and offering you a much bigger return on your investment!


Pos: Front of Magazine

Unlimited Reviews / Year

PR and News Posted

DPS Advert In Digital

Your digital magazine advert will appear 4x more often in our Mobile App

FREE Sponsored Ad

FREE Banner Ad

Appear as a Featured Brand

24/7 Access to Stats

Ad Size: DPS Only


Pos: Front of Magazine

4x Reviews / Year

PR and News Posted

DPS or Single Page Advert In Digital Magazine

Your digital magazine advert will appear 3x more often in our Mobile App

FREE Sponsored Ad

FREE Banner Ad

Appear as a Featured Brand

24/7 Access to Stats

Ad Size: DPS or Single


Pos: Front of Magazine

3x Reviews / Year

PR and News Posted

DPS or Single Page Advert In Digital Magazine

Your digital magazine advert will appear 2x more often in our Mobile App

FREE Sponsored Ad

No Banner Ad

Appear as a Featured Brand

24/7 Access to Stats

Ad Size: DPS or Single


Pos: Front of Magazine

2x Reviews / Year

PR and News Posted

DPS or Single Page Advert In Digital Magazine

Your digital magazine advert will appear 1x more often in our Mobile App

FREE Sponsored Ad

No Banner Ad

Appear as a Featured Brand

24/7 Access to Stats

Ad Size: DPS or Single

Website Only Packages

We have a new website only support package, for brands who just want to support us and also get their PR and news shared along with the option of product testing. This is a great option for smaller brands, or smaller budgets who want to be involved with IKSURFMAG.


1x Reviews / Year

PR and News Posted


If you want to find out how IKSURFMAG can help promote your brand or business to the biggest audience of kitesurfers in the industry, get in touch!

Anastasia Pankina – Sales Manager